Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Chinese Lesbians and Whores World tour


The Tour continues

For those who have been following the tour, welcome back. To those of you new to the tour, welcome and I hope you enjoy it.

If you are new to the blog you may want to read the 2010- 11 blog to find out who we are and what we are about.

But a quick recap:
The tour started off in Brazil (where I met M) since then we have travelled to 11 other countries (12 in all) some great, others not so great, but you can read about that in the previous blogs.
But here's a map to show you where we have been.

well we brought in the western new year much like everyone else, drunk and singing a song with words to which we don't understand - " Auld lang syne".

So here we are 4 Oriental Lesbians and prostitutes by profession living it up in the UK (ish) for now.

Being so close to Greece, we thought maybe it would be similar, but it is no where near the same.
I would also have to say that the food served in "Chinese restaurants  in the UK is about as authentic as the actor who played Fu ManChu.

The movie's are funny though, but the food is  indelible to Chinese. 

But enough of my ramblings and enjoy the tour.



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