Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fingers in the Dyke

Holland -  1

So we are flipping back and forth, probably due to the amount of ferry business and the docks.

But Holland is better in regard to both the Lesbian scene and business.
Both Rotterdam and Amsterdam are good, although we probably enjoy Amsterdam more, as it's just a nicer city.

I have been thinking a lot about how we drifted into this lifestyle as a while ago I would not even contemplated about lesbians becoming prostitutes.

We chatted about it and there appeared to be 2 different paths being walked.
For Happy and M they stated that all the women in their families are or have been prostitutes, simply out of financial necessity, them being lesbian is just coincidental.
So that leaves Cici and I, what about us ?
Well that appears more subtle, but Cici said what do you think all the sex training at the commune in Japan was for ? not only is it a refuge, but also training ground for geisha apprentices. 
Apparently most Geisha are lesbian, well I never realised that or that I was in training LOL.

There's a big difference in how women from Japan, Korea, China, Thailand etc compared to women in the west (me included) view sex and prostitution.

To them penetrative sex with men is something you just do either for money, to get a husband, to satisfy your husband or to make children. If you get any enjoyment from it great, if not it doesn't matter.
I could see the Feminists in the states spitting their coffee onto their keyboards over that.

Oddly all three of them see female to female "love" to be a natural thing for all women, just some don't act on it. Ok now the straight feminists, who on the whole despise Lesbians are cringing, as to them feminism is about copying the masculine ideals of power. 

Well all that being said, I'm going to have to ponder on it more. But I have to agree that letting men fuck me for money is easy as I can divorce that completely from my "Love/ personal life" emotionally. The only way you can't is it does change you physically a bit.

But as far a life in Holland, things were good, mixing our time between work and play, just like everyone in the world does I guess.

Lesbian love

The recreational sex

Having fun with a local

The recreational sex with local lesbians is for the most part excellent, although many are not well versed or trained in the sexual arts or tartaric love making, they are on the whole talented amateurs. Their enthusiasm makes up for their lack of skills and in a way reminds me of a "past me" so its cute.

The "squirting or female ejaculation" fetish and obsession that is currently sweeping Europe is a nuisance, but once you explain the science ( Anatomy, biology and physiology) to them, most go off the idea of emptying their bladder while having a orgasm.

With Jane's and Johns

Going Dutch

Spreading for client

Licking a Jane

Group sex with a Jane

Masturbating for a John

Jane using a toy

A Jane with Happy

The Netherlands is certainly the place in Europe for easy sex and laid back people.

The only downer is .....yes you got it "drugs", watching a girl shooting up on the train, just makes my guts turn.

There's a fine line between the so called recreational user and addict, a line she seemingly has crossed.

Karl Marx , I believe once said "Alcohol is the Opium of the masses" I wonder what he would say now ?
It was once, but not since the first Opium war, yes the Brits decided "Hard core drugs" should be the thing for the masses. But Capitalism and it's link to Government sanctioned drug trafficking as as means of social control is a whole different thread.

She's looking better these days

So we are flipping between Hull (UK) and here, with our own apartments in both, life is good, saving heaps of  money and having lots of fun.



Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Holland - Stop - 12

Holland - Stop 12

Star rating - 3.5

Holland is a region in the western part of the Netherlands. 

The term Holland is also frequently used as a pars pro toto to refer to the whole of the Netherlands.

This usage is generally accepted but disliked by some Dutch people in the other parts of the Netherlands.

From the 10th century to the 16th century, Holland proper was a unified political region, a county ruled by
the Counts of Holland. By the 17th century, Holland had
risen to become a maritime and economic power,
dominating the other provinces of the Dutch Republic.

Today, the former County of Holland consists of the two
Dutch provinces of North Holland and South Holland,
which together include the Netherlands' three largest
cities: country capital Amsterdam; seat of government
The Hague; and Rotterdam, home of Europe's largest

The LGBT scene is one the best in Europe, with well
established , helpful websites and people. Clubs and
bars that are strictly Lesbian or gay friendly are
everywhere in the major cities.

The Gaymix cafe in Rotterdam and the Ghetto on
Warmoesstrate in Amsterdam, however there are many
other bars and clubs worth visiting ranging from vanilla to the very risque.

With a very large local population of lesbians it's pretty easy to meet people and make friends and with a high number of tourists visiting, business is very brisk and lucrative.



Monday, January 16, 2012

Beaver Hunting in the UK

United  Kingdom 

Beaver Hunting

Happy year of the Dragon !!

Our quest for English beaver continues and for the new year we found ourselves in Leicester. The reason why you will find out later ( maybe).

Our Host - a nice girl and such
a hot body for a 40 + year old

Leicester is pretty OK a small city (little more than a town by Chinese standards) but fairly lively at the weekends (only). It has maybe a dozen clubs of which probably 2 are worth going to.
LGBT, nothing really, we found 2 pub's online, so we headed down to the "Rainbow and Dove" first as that appears to be where it's all at. But on entering I got a sudden flashback to Townsville Australia, so we turned right around and walked away.The Dover Castle seemed gay not lesbian. After that we tried Helsinki's and then another club, but all we got all night was hit on by men.

Clubbing in Leicester

Our host suggested a Asian (Indian) place. I'm still trying to figure out why in Europe people from India and Pakistan are referred to as Asian, they don't appear any more Asian to us, as people from Egypt appear Caucasian.
So off we headed there, it was a club for local Indian/ Pakistani men to get prostitutes, well if we had been looking for Johns it would have been a "Golden night", but as we weren't, we didn't stay long.
We did get lots of phone #'s though, LOL.

However one girl gave us a good lead to follow up on, which we did the next day.

Cutting a long story short, we went to the house and joined a group of Pakistani girls (all lesbians), we chatted a while then went out to eat.
We had a fun night, good food, good company ending back at the house.
Interesting girls, all three students and part-time prostitutes ( universities expensive here), very camera shy but off camera very wild.

Great girls, our first hosts

We sort of hung out with these three for the next few days, shopping, eating and having a lot of good sex. Towards the end of our stay while with them in another "social club" off of Humberstone Park, they introduced us to three other girls ( seems they operate in 3's here).

One was the cousin to a girl in the first group. These 3 were older and all married. although only in their 20's they looked in their 30's to me.

We had a great two more days together with these girls, sorry, for the crappy photos, but they were too camera shy and I can only post what they have approved.

 Personal preference is just that, personal.

Unfortunately despite all the clubbing we did, we were unable to hook up with any black or white lesbian girls.
Our hosts told us that lesbian interracial mixing in Leicester  ( Britain ) is pretty rare now.
Apparently the Indian/ pakistani girls are not considered attractive due to many of them having a preference not to shave their pussy bald and also there's something about the food they eat making them smell bad to whites.
The "West Indians"  as blacks often seem to called by many here apparently just don't mix with others.

All sounds like some kind of strange BS to me as commercially pretty much all the "Jane's" we have met have been white !
But maybe as they said they like us, like they like our food, as "take out", not something you could eat every day.

Two English Roses eating out having Chinese

But whatever it's odd, the Pakistani girls thought that I'm Chinese, M, Cici and Happy talk to me in Chinese, I think they have forgotten that I'm American.
Happy and Cici have both said they could never have a relationship with someone who is not from Asia, I reminded them I'm American. Their response was "not really" you just grew up there, you don't think their way.

Different cultures are hard to fathom, prejudices we all have them. Me I just can't stand bald shaven pubic regions on woman to be considered sexy or desirable, I however know why I don't.

There's just something wrong
about this pussy

Having concluded our business in Leicester, it's time to head back up North.



Thursday, January 5, 2012

English Rose

English Rose

The tour continues, if you missed the 2011 Tour here is the link, you should probably read that first.

So after a great time in Scotland, we travelled south through Northumberland, Durham was really nice. Newcastle, we couldn't understand a single word they spoke though and so then on into Yorkshire.
York was definitely worth the visit and then finally to Kingston upon Hull.
We rented an apartment (flat as they call it in the UK) off of the Beverley Road, near the port.
After giving freebies to right people, we had unrestricted access to the docks and the ships/ Ferries.
Business was great and very well paid, servicing sailors, passengers and locals alike maybe 5 a day each (and eating for free on the ferries).

Licking a Jane's pussy

Working the ferries (in a cabin with Johns)

Working in an unlicensed club in Hull

Working in a Merchant Sailors club

With a John/ Jane couple
 in a hotel room in Beverley

Stag Party with Johns

Hotel party

Inspection time

Blowing an American student
in Hull

M crashed after a long party

Working independently in Europe with great protection, police who prefer to spend their time chasing real criminals, not raping whores, is a world away from that shit hole of India, which luckily, both the memories and physical damage from are fading.

M and I had  "civil union" marriage this week and Gemstone (+ hubby), Hanoigirl and Ingrid flew to Amsterdam to attend. It was great to see them again under better circumstances and the wedding party was a blast.

Hen Party fun 

The wedding

Always nice to see our sisters and have good times together.




They could only spend a few days with us as they had things to attend to in London. But it was a lot of fun those few days.

Naughty Nymphette

As the year of the Dragon approaches next month, it's time to enjoy what's left of the Rabbit.
